研次方f(ex),在數學式子裡叫“function of ex-” 而我們的ex-代表了三個面向,分別為exceed 超越、exactitude 嚴謹、excogitate 探索,代表了我們的態度以及我們想帶給大家的好品質。我們帶著各自的專業籌備許久後終於在2017年4月份成立研次方,我們致力於創新,創造有別於市售的產品,以科學的態度跳脫現有的框架,相信以我們的努力,必將機能食品推入下一個層級,您將會在這裡接觸到一些機能性比顏值還高的產品,相信您在開始使用我們產品的第一時間,您便會相當有感。
“超越現況的動力、對於產品研究的嚴謹態度及探索未來的無窮渴望” 憑著這份熱情,我們將帶給您高品質的產品。
Philip是一個畢業自英國Cardiff University藥學院的藥學碩士,主攻癌症用藥的研發,畢業後於英國當地執業5年,之後由於家庭因素還是選擇回到自己家鄉,現在Philip還是照常的在台灣當一位藥師,保持自己和病人的溝通並隨時能關心病人,這是他喜歡做的!!
“Hi there, my name is Philip Liu, thank you and welcome to our website, let me introduce myself, I was a licensed pharmacist practicing in UK, then due to the personal reason, I migrated back to my home town, Taipei, Taiwan, then I was practicing here as a pharmacist for four years, I have worked in both community pharmacies and in surgeries, then I found myself an extremely high interest in functional nutrition, I wanted to make something really “working” for our body, and I really hoped to use my proffesional knowledge to make this thought come true, then here we are. I hope you can enjoy the experience here and find what you want to know and what you need from this website!”